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How Will You And Your Family Survive The Wait For SSDI Benefits?

Cutter Hall Karlock, LLC
April 19, 2021

If you are anticipating Social Security Disability Insurance benefits, any work you do while awaiting approval may jeopardize your eligibility.

The approval for benefits can easily take more a year. What is the best way for you and your family to survive the wait?

Working While You Wait

It is possible for you to work and still file for disability benefits. However, the work you engage in cannot be of a type or volume that would make you ineligible to receive those benefits. If you are applying for Social Security Disability Insurance assistance, the maximum monthly amount you can earn in 2021 is $1,310, or $2,190 for those who are blind. You can depend on legal guidance to help you understand what you can and cannot do.

Relying on Loved Ones

To survive the wait for benefits approval, you might consider turning to friends or family for financial help. Those who know of your disability would be the most likely to come to your aid. If the Social Security Administration approves your claim, you will receive back pay and can repay the people who have helped you.

Exploring Other Options

You can also contact your church or synagogue and explain your need for financial assistance or approach religious organizations that provide charitable outreach. The Salvation Army might be able to assist you with basic necessities and utility bills. In addition, you may qualify for assistance from various programs offered in the state of Ohio. The best place to begin collecting information is the Department of Social Services in your community. Other options include taking out a home equity loan or borrowing against your 401(k) or life insurance policy. Explore all the available options when you need financial help while awaiting SSDI benefits approval.