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What You Should Know About SSDI Review

Cutter Hall Karlock, LLC May 6, 2020

If you qualify for Social Security Disability insurance benefits, the Social Security Administration will periodically review your eligibility. The frequency of the review depends on your expected level of recovery.

Understand the review requirements for SSDI to prepare for this process.

What should I expect during a review?

If your case is up for review, you will receive notification through the mail. You will have to provide the names and contact information of all the health care providers who have treated you for the disabling condition. You will also provide your medical records as well as employment records if you have worked at all since becoming disabled.

An examiner from Disability Determination Services and a medical consult will review your information to determine your continued eligibility. In some cases, the SSA may require you to come in for a medical exam. SSDI benefits may cease if the state determines you can return to work due to significant improvement of your medical condition.

How often will I receive a benefit review?

The answer to this question depends on the type of disability you have and the prognosis for improvement. If your doctor says your injury or illness will likely get better, you will have an SSDI review within six to 18 months of initial approval. For individuals who have an unsure prognosis, the review period is about three years. If your doctor does not think your condition will improve, the SSA will review your case after seven years have passed.

What can I do if the agency discontinues benefits?

Individuals who lose eligibility for benefits after a review have the right to appeal. You can progress through four appeal levels, each of which lasts about 60 days. During this process, examiners who did not take part in the original decision will take a closer look at your case. You can also provide additional evidence about your condition.

Just returning to work will not end your benefits. You can earn up to a certain income and still receive SSDI.