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Cutter Hall Karlock, LLC

Do You Know What You Need To Apply For Disability Benefits?

If you are unable to work due to a medical condition or serious injury, you could qualify for financial support from the Social Security Administration. However, actually getting these benefits is not an easy process, and many Ohio applicants find themselves disappointed to learn their application came back denied.
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Cutter Hall Karlock, LLC

What Happens If My Disability Claim Comes Back Denied?

When you are unable to work due to a disabling medical condition or illness, you know how difficult it can be to simply support yourself and your Ohio family financially. While you may know that you could be eligible for financial support through Social Security Disability benefits, you may not know how to actually go about securing that support.
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Cutter Hall Karlock, LLC

Arthritis: A Real Reason To Seek Disability Benefits

When you have a medical condition that prevents you from working, it can have a devastating financial impact on you and your family. Disabled individuals in Ohio have the right to seek benefits through the Social Security Administration, but in some cases, it can be quite difficult to actually secure this financial support for illnesses that are unseen or have few physical, visible symptoms.
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Cutter Hall Karlock, LLC

Are You Eligible For Benefits?

If you’ve never suffered a disability rendering you unable to work, you might be surprised to learn just how complicated the system can be now that you have a legitimate need to request benefits. The Social Security Administration oversees two of the federal government’s largest programs aimed at providing financial assistance to those with disabilities.
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Cutter Hall Karlock, LLC

Take My Word For It. No, Really.

When I meet with a new client in my office, I always send them home with a blank calendar. I ask them to keep track of all of their medical appointments and as time passes to keep me updated by mailing in their completed calendars.
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