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Cutter Hall Karlock, LLC

Dealing With A Denied Disability Claim

People file for Social Security Disability as a result of various physical and mental hardships which have disrupted their lives, whether they resulted from workplace accidents or were caused by some other factor.
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Cutter Hall Karlock, LLC

Degenerative Disc Disease May Qualify For SSD

For Ohio residents unable to work due to physical issues, Social Security disability benefits may help supplement funds needed for medical bills and daily expenses. However, there are several eligibility requirements that workers must meet before they qualify. One of the primary considerations is if the issue is on the list of medical conditions the Social Security Administration maintains and if the impairment affects the individual’s ability to continue performing the work completed in the past.
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Cutter Hall Karlock, LLC

Reviewing Some Other Perks Of Disability Benefits

For those who are facing financial hardships because of a physical or mental disability, Social Security Disability benefits can have a significant impact on their quality of life from a financial perspective.
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Cutter Hall Karlock, LLC

Eliminating The Stigma Of Social Security Disability

There are countless reasons why people push off applying for Social Security Disability, whether they are unsure if a disability or hardship they are struggling with is covered or they have too much stress and not enough free time to move forward with an application.
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Cutter Hall Karlock, LLC

Will I Lose My Social Security Disability Benefits In 2034?

Is it more important to take care of the elderly or the disabled? This may very well be the question Congress is faced with by 2034 if lawmakers do not take decisive action to prevent the funding deficit the Social Security program is expected to face at this time.
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Cutter Hall Karlock, LLC

Understanding Your Residual Functional Capacity

If you are sick or injured, you may be considering your future, especially if your condition has prevented you from working or is making it increasingly difficult to do your job. Many Ohio workers in similar situations explore the option of applying for disability to help them meet their financial obligations.
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